The complementary health insurance with a PREMIUM version

GPAFI proposes to the beneficiaries of the UNIQA complementary health insurance, a PREMIUM version which includes assistance services in addition to the coverage of health costs.

Besides medical, travel and security assistance, UNIQA Assistance offers a significant advantage that no other assistance provider is able to offer. Indeed, if an outpatient treatment or a hospitalization is required during a stay abroad, UNIQA Assistance guarantees payment, 24/7 all around the world, and covers 100% of the medical costs directly with the healthcare provider or the hospital facility.

The insured doesn't need to pay himself/herself the medical costs nor submit afterwards the bills to his/her basic and complementary insurances. UNIQA Assistance handles everything, unlike other assistance providers who only make advance for medical costs, limited and refundable, and who don't transmit bills to insurances.

You will find more details under  Assistance.